Larionov family in Udomlya

Last Updated on Friday, 16 December 2016 20:00


On February, 13th our church was visited by a family of Larionov.

Missionary family Larionov are: Yury and Lija and their already adult children - Samuel, Ilya, Loida - have devoted the life to service to God. God has allocated with their different talents and the big desire to serve Him.  Larionov already three and a half a year go by old car across Russia and the European countries, preaching God's Word, and glorifying Him with wonderful singing. They have passed already more than one hundred thousand miles not in searching of happiness and any well-being, they have the most important aim - to service to God.

Recently they have visited Aram nnd Silvia Oganisjan in Barcelona. Aram and Silvia have some years ago moved there on a constant residence and now they serve to God. They remember our Udomlya baptist church. And, having learned that Larionov will pass by us, have asked to call in and serve here for brothers and sisters.

The Word of God teaches us that we didn't care of tomorrow - so there live Larionov. On February, 10th they were in Smolensk, on February, 11th participated in the All-Russia youth conference in Moscow - were going to go to St.-Petersburg. But here, Silvia has called and has asked to visit Udomlya. Therefore on February, 12th they have visited V.Volochek, and next day profits to us. Isn't that so, it is very similar to service of apostle Paul. In Acts chapter 16 we read that he was going to go to one place, but "a certain husband, Makedonian has appeared, asking it and speaking: come to Macedonia". Here it is life under guidance of God to which all of us aspire.

Brother Yury testified about his life. The Lord has blessed them in all: has given them three children – two sons and the daughter. The family had the house, a material prosperity. They blessed other people, had service in church and as missionaries. Larionov, practically, lived that opened the house for all people who needed in something. All knew about it. In their house people always spent the night. It was service to all people.

Yury had his own business: had the firm, the lawyer, the economist, the manager, the secretary. In the general financial crisis a family have appeared in very difficult circumstances, it having appeared practically in the street. The only thing that at them remains is a hope on the Lord. The brother has endured serious depression. But prayers and the belief gave force his family to leave from this condition and to begin the "service on wheels".

For this small time of the service of Larionov they have gone round: the Arkhangelsk region, the Central Russia, Caucasus, Krasnodar territory, Ukraine, Belarus, Baltic, Poland, Czechia, France, Portugal, Spain, Germany. For example, in Portugal there lives a half-million, in Spain - two million Russian-speaking people. Not taking place residence and work in Spain – ten thousand. They live on the open-air, in tents from canes. They went from group to group and preached. People were very much encouraged and asked to arrive still.

All gathered for fellowship attentively listened to the testimony of  Lija  - Yury's wife, about her way to God. Brother Yury has told short, but the inspired sermon so simply and clearly having interpreted us many things which we like and knew, but have seen it a little in other light.

Not casually, upon termination of service nobody wanted to disperse. Brothers and sisters have surrounded a couple of Larionov - everyone wanted to tell something: to tell the problem or pleasure, simply to thank this amicable blessed God a family which has no anything on this earth, but their great treasures wait for them in Heavens.

And after service Galina Soloveva has invited them for a supper. It was a little close on small kitchen, but we have felt again affinity of children of God. We have met for the first time, but there was a feeling that we know each other for a long time. We had dialogue, testimonies behind a table, and then Larionov have sung some more songs.

All of us were happy with this remarkable meeting. Many words will remain in our hearts for a long time. It is time for a family of Larionovyh to go - still it is necessary to serve for very many people - to encourage, to console - to share their imperishable treasure. May God  bless His children!