Hope on the Lord

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“Cease ye from man, whose breath is in his nostrils: for wherein is he to be accounted of?” (Is. 2,22)

Andrey Bonar from Glasgow (Scotland) was the educated and truthful Christian. The glory about his faultless life so has extended that many have started to name his name the children. Through him one young man for whom Andrey Bonar was a guiding star has returned to the Lord.

It happens, that this young christian didn't see Andrey Bonar a long time and has suddenly read in the newspaper that Andrey Bonar has died. In the big grief he went to the house of Bonar and thought: «What will I do now without him? Now all was gone».

Suddenly he heard the words: «don't lean so against Andrey Bonar, he such weak and won't keep you». Having looked there, the voice whence was heard, he has seen the girl, the nurse and two children. One of them strongly leaned against another which has been named by the name of Andrey Bonar.

«Here is the lesson for me, – has thought the grieved young Christian. Whether not too I leaned against my Andrey Bonara instead of more relying on the eternal and live Lord? Here he has died, and I remained without a support».

Christian hope – one of an armor of our spiritual arms. The hope of God doesn't suppose fluctuation, and the Lord hasn't a kind feeling to help the one who sometimes hopes for riches and glory human and temporal power, and sometimes – on God. On the contrary, the person should calm down quite due to God’s help.

Always look at the Lord because He rescues hoping on Him. The one to whom You, My God, makea support never will stumble: who affirms on You never will fall. All our hope is On You, my God, for You cure our wounds. You have pierced Your Blood on ulcers of sinners that they have recovered. “He that putteth his trust in the LORD shall be made fat” (Prov. 28,25).
