Our site works 3 years

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November 20, 2010 in the Internet appeared the site of our church.

The site has become a good way of information about the life and ministry of the Udomlya Baptist Church.

In all that time on the site has many new interesting sections .

December 27, 2012 on the website was set counter. November 17 , that is, less than 11 months, the number of visitors reached one hundred thousand people.

We are grateful to the Lord for His blessings. Let our site will help everyone to find something useful. And those who do not know God - let him find Jesus!

We invite you to take part in the vote on how often you visit our site , which is on the main page.

Three years ago, the vote on this topic has already been carried out. You can view the results , click on this link : Results of the previous vote.